
Archive for March, 2014

One month plus

Iyla, Iyla, Angus, Angus. One month compare and contrast. These aren’t the best photos of Iyla, but I’m on a time crunch – winning choice tonight between uploading photos and shower = shower all the way. Sorry folks.

Angus is a hardy dude. He gained almost 3 lbs his first month. No wonder I’m freaking exhausted & starving all the time. ! Forget pregnancy – nursing is when you truly are eating for two. Keep the casseroles coming people.


October Iyla Faded Colors October Iyla 013 19 24PS: Gamma lovingly called this the Vladimir Putin photo shoot, but I assure you, no animals were hurt (the bear is actually alpaca!)



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Getting to know Angus over the last few weeks has been so amazing. He is such a sweet sweet little man.

Angus loves: taking long naps in someone’s arms, warm milk, snuggles, big sister, lullabies and baths.

Angus hates: cold balls & waiting too long for said warm milk.

Basically he is perfectly amenable to our lives as long as he is warm and fed. His “likes” list is every growing and so far his dislikes are simple. He takes right after his father in this attribute.

Since Angus has arrived it’s photo-op city over here. If I had a free hand most of the time I would be up to my elbows in photos to edit. As it is, I’ve still managed to capture loads of unbearable cuteness. I think you will agree. Enjoy and share. xoxo
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